By Donna Martin
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)
Our world is crazy. Have you noticed? Each day I am amazed by the things I hear on the news. People are so confused.
Heterosexual couples want to live together, but don’t want to get married
Gay couples want to have the right to get married.
Unwed women want to abort their babies because they don’t want a child, while married couples struggle with the agony of not being able to conceive a child
Couples enter marriage with the belief that if it doesn’t work out they can just get a divorce despite the fact that they repeated vows that stated they would love each other “’til death do us part.”
So many people are self-centered, lazy, and want to blame everyone but themselves for the problems they experience.
So what does this have to do with marriage? As married couples, it is so important for us to live out our faith in our daily lives and in our marriage. Here are some suggestions for living out your faith as a couple:
Jesus used ordinary people to change the world. Let Him use you. Stay salty and let your light shine. Matthew 5:13-16.
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