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Private Couple Marital Coaching

You thought you found the love of your life, but after real life kicked in, conflicts occurred and you wondered what happened to the person you married.  Whether you are newly wed or have been married for decades, chances are your relationship with your spouse could use help.  Our marital coaching is interactive, engaging, and positive and focuses on building and maintaining a "Happy together" Marriage that we all desire. After each session, you will leave with a deeper appreciation of your spouse and the skills you need to build a stronger marriage.

Happy Together Marriage coaching is an important component of establishing and maintaining a healthy marriage. Our curriculum is designed to meet your specific needs as a couple. Each person will take an assessment and once the results are compiled, we are able to offer a custom program—just for you and your spouse.

The assessment allows you to recognize your strengths as a couple as well as identify the opportunities for growth. Couples who complete our program have improved their relationship satisfaction and have reduced their chance of divorce.  You will enhance your relationship skills by learning to:

  • ·         Identify strength and growth areas
  • ·         Explore personality traits
  • ·         Strengthen communication skills
  • ·         Resolve conflicts
  • ·         Compare family backgrounds
  • ·         Comfortably discuss financial issues, budgeting and financial planning
  • ·         Establish personal, couple, and family goals
  • ·         Identify and manage major stressors
  • ·         Develop a more balanced relationship
  • ·         Explore family of origin issues
  • ·         Understand and appreciate personality differences 

The online assessment will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. After completing the assessment you will meet with Michael and Donna Martin who are trained coaches / facilitators.  They will provide feedback by helping you understand your results and learn important relationship skills.

 Couple Sessions:

Option 1 – 4 hours of Two on Two coaching  (two 2-hour sessions)
Option 2 – 6 hours of Two on Two coaching  (three 2-hour sessions)
Option 3 – 8 hours of Two on Two coaching  (four 2-hour sessions)

Assessment and Workbook are included in cost.

Additional Hours after completion of Option 1, 2, or 3 are available.


Click "Register" to see the rates and register for Marital Coaching today!
After you register we will contact you to schedule the assessment and coaching sessions. 
For questions or personal assistance, call Mike at 940-735-1515