What Makes a Spouse Attractive?

By: Donna Martin
Millions of dollars and hours are spent in the cosmetic, fitness, and plastic surgery industry. People want to be attractive. They want to avoid aging. And while it is good to take care of our appearance and health those things are probably not the most important qualities for building a strong marriage.
One characteristic that makes me love Mike more each day is his integrity. I know that I can always count on him to do what he says he will do. I know that he is and will always be honest in his business. I can trust him to be faithful to me. I have been so proud when people seek his advice on different matters because they know he can be trusted. My love for him grows when I see him telling others about Jesus and serving God in various ways.
I have been very fortunate to have a husband who is a man of integrity. Sadly, lack of integrity on the part of either the husband or wife has destroyed many marriages. How do you rate in the area of integrity?
Husbands, can your wife depend on you to take care of her? Does she know that you will always be faithful to her? Can you be trusted to be a good role model for you your children? Is your love for God evident in your life?
Wives, do your actions toward your husband show him that you respect him? Are you always honest and never deceitful? Do you love and fear God?
It is never too late to make changes in your character. If you are lacking in integrity, ask God to forgive you and start today to live a life of honesty and moral uprightness.
As Proverbs 31:30 says, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman (or man) who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
The Martins currently present “Happy Together” Marriage Enrichment Events for churches and organizations. To schedule an event call Michael at 940-735-1515. They are certified “Prepare/Enrich” Facilitators and are available to work with couples on an individual basis using the “Prepare/Enrich Assessment.” They publish a weekly “Happy Together” Blog about family and marriage issues. You can order copies of their new books Dancing With Death and 366 Tidbits We Have Learned in 14,610 Days of Marriage, read, and subscribe to their “Happy Together” Blog by logging onto the Martin’s website at www.happytogethermarriages.com.
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