Our First Books

We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a fantastic time with all of our children and grandchildren.
One of the many reasons that we have to be thankful is that we have recently published two books.
We are so excited that after years of writing, rewriting, editing, reading, re-editing, re-writing and reading them over again and again our books have been published and are ready for you to read. Please read the synopsis of each book below. We hope you will enjoy reading them and sharing them with others.
You can purchase the books from Xulon Press by clicking on the titles at the top of the home page of this website
Dancing With Death – (A True Story)
In a small North Texas town a family is devastated when their son is diagnosed with a life-threatening heart disease. In the lowest time of their lives, God works though Michael Jordan, Derek Harper, Coach Grant Teaff, Dino, Joe Montana, J.D. Hill, a camel, and the local community to give strength and support to the Martin family. Dancing With Death illustrates the power of faith, hope, love, Christian friends, and family.
366 Tidbits That We Have Learned In 14610 Days Of Marriage - (The Inside Scoop For Couples)
This book is a collection of 366 serious and humorous tidbits about relationships that the Martins have learned in 14610 days of marriage. The information is intended to help couples build stronger marriages. The book is a “must read” for couples of all ages married or soon to be married. As former educators, we believe that this book should be “assigned reading” for all couples.
To order the books go to www.happytogethermarriage.com and click on Dancing With Death or 366 Tidbits That We Have Learned In 14610 days Of Marriage. These books would make great Christmas presents and 366 Tidbits…… would make a great wedding gift or anniversary gift.
For more articles about marriage and family life, to respond this blog, or to schedule a marriage seminar at your church go to www.happytogethermarriage.com.
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