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Prestonwood Baptist Church,  Plano, Texas
Church Contact:
Neal Jeffrey
Associate Pastor of Pastoral and Preaching Ministries

Dr. Mark Denison
"The hope for America is in a restoration of God's plan for the home. In "Happy Together Marriage Enrichment events", Michael and Donna will give you the tools you need to build a marriage that lasts. This could be your most significant event all year!"  

teve Phelps, MA, LMFT, LADC
Licensed Therapist, Tulsa, Oklahoma
I have known Mike and Donna for over forty-five years. I have seen their marriage grow deep and strong from their honeymoon to their life in “retirement.”  They have worked their way through hundreds of disagreements, illnesses, kids' issues, and other storms of life. They have survived because they understand that they are a team, and they work to find ways to come together, whether in a crisis or in good times." As a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, I know marriage is hard work, and I cannot think of anyone I could recommend more highly than Mike and Donna to equip couples with tools for their journey together, whether they be engaged, newlyweds, busy parents or empty nesters.

Jerry Davis, Pastor
First Baptist Church, Collinsville, TX
I have known Michael and Donna for over 25 years now, and have the greatest confidence in their ability to communicate the truth of God's word.  Along with that ability, they also possess a heart for the family, as evidenced in their daily living.  You will love this beautiful husband and wife team, and the couples of your church will be blest by their ministry.

Dr. Andy Brockelman, Pastoral Ministries
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Colonial Heights, VA
Marriage at best is a work in progress.  I am proud to say that Michael and Donna Martin have a marriage that has met the challenges and gone the distance.  they live what they teach and they teach God's principles for a stable and happy marriage.

Dr. Steve Bezner, Senior Pastor
Houston Northwest Church, Houston, TX


"Mike and Donna were teaching me about marriage long before I ever met my wife. They were welcoming me into their home as a teenager and modeling the Christian life for me in a way I had never seen before. They were the first family I knew that did a daily devotional together. They loved one another genuinely, and in a Christlike manner. They were, simply put, the picture of a family attempting to live for Jesus. You will not regret sitting at the feet of those who have fought for a strong marriage and won."

Kent Slack, Director of Christian Challenge
North American Mission Board
Colorado Springs, Colorado
I have known Michael and Donna for 17 years and worked alongside them for almost 9 years.  I am confident of their devotion to Jesus Christ, as well as to each other.  God has used their genuine hearts to impact the lives of many through the years.  I fully believe that your time with them will be as much of a blessing to you as it has been for me.

Hollis Parsons, Pastor
Tabernacle Baptist Church, Gainesville, TX
I have known Michael and Donna Martin for over 25 years.  I have spent time with this family and have seen how they love each other and how they have raised their children to love and serve God.  They are a great example of a Christian marriage and I would recommend them to any church or organization.  You will not be disappointed in their sensitive and powerful presentation of what a "Happy Together" marriage is all about.